

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rude People and Concerts and ranting!

We went to a concert last weekend at the Usana Amphitheater and I am so surprised that one woman could be so selfish or so much the exhibitionist, dancing and writhing. It was a fun concert and we all get up sometime to sway or dance with the music, but we also sit down. I get it, I love music and rhythm, but could never be so self-centered as to do such a thing, and I don't think many people could or would.

We had this one 40'ish, auburn dyed haired, plumpish woman that would just not sit down, not even for a moment of the entire show! We all paid the same high price for our good seats and the people directly in back of her never saw the show. Nor did a lot of others from the enlarging "V" that naturally formed behind her, maybe it was a control issue to this woman. She knew she was being inconsiderate, she just didn't care about anyone but herself. Her companion got up and left for part of the show, he needed more beer and probably didn't like the negativity she was creating.

We finally left and found seats higher up and enjoyed the rest of the show. Loved all of it, that we saw. Maybe there should be some kind of written concert etiquette or a ticket you could give to someone like her.

Trace Adkins (loved his tight black T-shirt), Toby Keith and the other leader group were fun to listen to, I just wish I have been able to see more of the show.

Friday, August 14, 2009

"Should Public Schools make their students say the Pledge of Allegiance?"

This was a poll on facebook and I responded 'Yes'.

It sure didn't hurt us. I think it is important to openly show our loyalty, be patriotic and to acknowledge the respect to and for our country. We should regularly ponder upon all the sacrifices that have been made f
or us and all the freedoms we have.

Each game I attend, with the singing of our National Anthem, it also reminds me how grateful and appreciative I should be.

It also makes me think of my Dad and his proud service in the Army, of those many years taken out of his life, that he gave for me and you. The openly pledging my allegiance to freedom's symbol is the least I can do. I want my kids and grandkids to understand how blessed we are. I want to be that example of patriotism, so we may never forget.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Love Small Town America

This weekend, last Saturday, Brent decided we needed to go to a rodeo. He found one up in Heber, the Mountain Valley Stampede and so on-line we get and purchase the tickets. Now, we head up to Heber via the Provo Canyon route and are amazed at all the people, people, hundreds driving up and down the canyon. Millions tubing the river like we used to do. Trillions boating on Deer Creek! Can't blame all of us who live in the heat to head out to get cool and have some fun!
It is always a beautiful site to see the view of the backside of Timp.

We arrive into the Heber Valley, past the airport (great memories) and look for the Rodeo Arena, but what? We see the gatherings of a parade about to start! Brent is in heaven, a rodeo and a parade? We purchase some pink camp chairs at Smiths and try to head back to the big old red sandstone building to find some grass and shade. We are lucky and only have to walk 2 blocks and park ourselves under a big tree! Oh heaven!

We are right by the announcers booth and can hear them tell their jokes and announce who is in the parade and even who's having a birthday. Lots of kids, a band, dancing groups, bagpipes and all that goes with a small town fun atmosphere. There were many old cars and the usual hot air balloons were there in force (the politicians). The best group were the men who dressed as vibrant hussies and driving bikes, the ones usually topped with lots of leather and black. Loved it!

After the parade we head down to the Rodeo grounds and visit the booths and carnival. It's close to time to head over and get our assigned seats at the rodeo.

A Navajo taco and a diet coke and we are happy for hours watching this PRCA rodeo. Lots of fun, beautiful horses, scary and intense rides, great local clown from Payson and fun with the kids stick races and the loonies doing the hide rides! We even saw Louis Fields! There were great people all around us, all having a great experience.

When it is all done, even the bulls, we get a fireworks display and was it ever grand! Loved it all.